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 ReportPortal 5.0, Build 200, Sep 25, 2018
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Posted - 09/24/2018 :  22:29:17  Show Profile

1. Ability to link a folder to SSRS folder
- Report manager capability for RS Reports (Upload, Download, Set Connection, Rename, Delete, Copy and Move)
- Report manager capability for RS Folders (Upload one or many reports or resources, Download, Add, Rename, Delete, Copy, Move, Link and Snapshot)
- Export SSRS folder to ZIP
- Copy SSRS Report or Folder to another location
- Ability to convert SSRS report to SSRS File report or SSRS Server report

2. Dependency tree
- Right click a report and select Dependency Tree
- Will show dependent functions, views, tables and linked reports
- Will show reports that depend on the selected report
- For example, a data entry form has a child form that links to an SQL report that links to a function that links to a view that links to a table.
The form can be referenced by a dashboard, other forms, OLAP Actions or KPIs.
- Right click to view, edit or see Dependency tree for other objects and reports

3. Snapshot
- Snapshot for OLAP and SQL reports now captures data (not just HTML)
- Includes Filters
- The snapshot can be exported to many other formats (PDF, Excel or HTML)
- Can be sorted
- Can have charts

4. Data Entry:
- Real-time editor. Other users see data changes in real time.
- File Field:
- Zip and PDF File Merge (merges PDFs and image files into one PDF)
- "Open file" field option to open files in the left tree
- IE drag and drop files
- Actions: Email Type. SQL Action can now be linked do Email Action via "Next Action" property
- JavaScript: Location: Grid, Form and Tree
- Search: Date Picker, Between, Not Null, None Empty
- Tree Search: grid view will be refreshed if selected
- Tree View search Box: Date Picker and Top 100 list can be used
- Lookup value for HTML
- Save: saving child grid and saving child grid will save the form
- Grid:
- Calculated fields are disabled
- Support for Multi Sorting
- New Option: "Search within each column" for Excel like filter capability
- Import Column, Export Column flags
- "Edit Report" button next to child to edit child form
- Change Column export name
- Open files in the left tree
- Text Area: Height: Resize automatically
- File Upload will have new dropdown with these options: Insert new and update existing, Insert new, Update existing Delete all records

- Chart: Reverse Legend
- Hide legend dropdowns in the view mode (also SQL and ROLAP)

6. SSRS Server
- Edit in Report Builder
- Snapshots: Ability to pass parameters and show parameter values to existing snapshots
- Excel 2007 support

7. SSIS Package
- Ability to Delete Log
- Log is now ordered by time

8. SQL View: - drag and drop and enhanced

9. Freeform Dashboard: Resize Admin Tree

10. Report Tree
- Import multiple reports and files. rpt files will be imported as Crystal, rdl as SSRS File and dtsx as 'SSIS package
- Report Link: SSRS Report > Show Filters
- Snapshot List in the right panel
- Search: New Options: Source Text and Report description

11. Subscriptions
- Delivery Folder
- Delivery URL
- File Pattern ("ReportName.YYYYMMDD and Subscription.YYYYMMDD)
- Ability to reset Last Time Run
- Refresh Job History

12. File Upload: - IE drag and drop files

13. Admin
- Settings > Report Tree: Hide Folder PDF Export
- Settings > Excel: Excel 97-2003 and Excel 2007
- User: Secondary Admin to Show Hidden Folders
- User Filter Value: Support for user vars (::UserName, ::UserId, ::Email, ::NtUserId")

14. CacheAs.vbs script to warm SSAS cache based on slow running reports

15. Excel - Ability to Export HTML (HtmlAgilityPack)

Bug fixes :

- RP Actions: Dimension shows up twice when it is on rows and columns
- Options to Export in two formats: 2007 and 2003 (also SQL report)
- Filter Fast Paging (BottomCount() and TopCount()) None Empty

2. SQL Report
- Geo Chart: Zero value
- Geo Chart: Range Slider location
- Multi-Select filter will now set single quotes like: WHERE column1 IN('textvalue1','textvalue2','textvalue3')

3. Data Entry
- "Update When" does not work for checkbox
- Dates Grid are sorted alphabetically
- Hidden columns cannot be used for lookup SQL
- Column does not need to be selected (or not hidden) to be used by other columns SQL

4. SSRS File
- Excel 2007 export
- Export: File Name
- Scheduler: Support for Multi-Value filters

5. Report Tree
- Remember expanded folders after refresh

6. Admin > User > Add roles after adding user
- Window Diagnostic Style
- Column Names with #
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