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 ReportPortal 5.0, Build 199, May 15, 2018
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1638 Posts

Posted - 05/17/2018 :  10:41:36  Show Profile

1. New Report Type: SSIS Package
- Upload DTSX file, specify parameters and connections
- Users can run the SSIS package on demand and pass parameters (filters)

2. Data Entry:
- Fields can be grouped under Panels. Panels can be grouped under Tabs. Tabs can be grouped under Parent Tabs.
- Tabs toolbar button will appear when two or more Panels are defined.
- Parent Tabs toolbar button will appear when two or more Tabs are defined.
- Panel, Child and Link can used as Tabs.
- New HTML Field Type. It cannot be edited. Selected by default when a view (instead of table) is selected.
- New Report Options:
-- Wrapping (Never Wrap, Wrap if over 540px,...)
-- File Upload - ability to create new records by uploading multiple files
> Newspaper columns: Change the content flow to: top-bottom, top-bottom
- Panel Options:
-- "Place tabs on top" - To place content not placed under tabs. This way all tabs will appear at the top of the page.
-- "Miscellaneous tab will appear first" - This option will appear when "Place tabs on top" is selected.

- Icon is changed from pencil to a form
- Link to SSRS File reports
- Ability to Link to any report type
- Child: Child form will be Prefixed with folder name
- Export Child Grid: File name to include Parent Name in the file name
- Preserve selected tab when you go back
- Switch between child tabs without refreshing the content
- Format Currency inside of a textbox

- Improved Radio Buttons field Type: "Show as buttons" option
- "Press enter to search all records"
- Panels: Layout Type (Fieldset, Box, Line, None)

- Parent Child Type: New option: Show as form

- Ability to upload multiple files
- Preview File option - is used by image and PDF files.
- Ability to Specify columns to store: File Size, File Content Type and File Name
- Export:
-- File name is based on the search or the parent
-- Spinner
- Import:
-- Excel import: support of m/d/yyyy and m/d/yyyy h:mm
-- "Use column captions (not column names)" option. The export will use column labels as column headers.
This option is needed if this file is to be imported back to table.

3. SQL Report
- Design Mode:
-- "Disable caching" changed to "Enable caching"
-- Everything is resizable
-- Show Views checkbox
-- View Report button
-- Improved Filter list
- Filter:
-- Filter now has "Filter Name" that can be used as a placeholder. Both filter placeholders ::1 and "::filterName" can be used.
-- User Tags (::UserName, ::UserId) support
-- Hidden Filter Type
-- Improved Radio Buttons field Type: " Show as buttons" option

> Excel export: Currency, #, "#.#" and Date Formats
> ODC exporting

4. SSRS File
- SSRS 2016 Version
- Exclude .rdl from the report name during the upload
- Allow NULL parameter
- Support for Oracle date parameters

- New Option: Show Ascendants (Expand All Mode)
- Error Logging into CommandLog Table

6. R Report:- Better Table formatting
- Waring when the RP R service is not running

7. SSRS Server:
- rp:connectionId= will be included with the report URL. (This way the Windows User Name and password can be set.)

8. Admin
- Connection: SSRS: Windows user Name and password
- Role: Improved resize
- Synch Users: Ability to select search for multiple Windows users (like: jadams,msmith,mkay). This Windows users and groups can be compared size-by-side
- Settings
-- SSIS Package
-- Log ASP.NET requests
-- Password: Password cannot contain colon character(:)

9. DB Admin
- Data Entry to DB Admin: Redirect to view if form is view based
- Edit view in SQL Dialog
- Computed (Virtual in Oracle) Columns Support
- Improved Table Relationship view
- Index
-- Clustered Index
-- Index name is automatically generated based on selected columns
-- Export to SQL will add "SET IDENTITY_INSERT..." if the database is SQL server and the table has an identity column

10. Users
- New tabs: Usage, SQL/MDX log, Login Attempts
- Search : New “Logged In” option
- Key next to Logged in users. Tooltip provides the number of sessions opened by the user.

11. Tree Map: Resize Left panel
12. Grid Chart: Resize Left panel
13. Set Connection: Server will be hidden for SSAS 2005 and up
14. File: Upload Spinner
15. Link: Frozen header (when the link is a folder or a share)
16. Wiki: Save button moved to the top
17. SQL / MDX Logging: will now log Error and IP

Bug fixes :

1. Dashboard:
- Filters: Multiple Slicers affecting the same filter
- Date Picker auto close

2. OLAP:
- Excel 1997 Export bug: Images show up
- Measure with < or >

3. SSRS File
- Boolean parameters
- Stored procedure parameters

4. SQL Report: Paging bug
5. File: Download rdl, rdt and rdl extension is missing then it is missing from the file name
6. Report Link: Do not include formulas in Parameters
7. Admin > Role: Cannot delete role that has report permissions
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