1. Version Control - Enabled via Admin > Settings > Report Tree > Version Control - When saving a report "Change Description" field will appear at the bottom of Save dialog - Right click on a report and select History to see report versions - Each report version can be viewed, edited, restored or deleted - Two report versions can be compared
2. Recycle Bin - Enabled via Admin > Report Tree > Recycle Bin - Recycle Icon will appear in the Report tree panel - Delete report can be Viewed, Edited, Restored or Deleted permanently
3. Data Entry - Ability to add Children and Many-to-Many to the grid - Db Lookup: Ability to select more than two columns - Calculation: Format and new checkboxes: Name Column, Grid, Export and hidden - Export to Excel to use column captions - Action: Email Action Type > new "Add Attachments" option - Search by child count - JavaScript: Ability to disable a column DisableCol(column) or columns using DisableCols(columns) - Options > Grid > Ability to soft Columns (Calculation, Children and Many-to-Mays) via drag-and-group - Many: ability to specify height - Grid: Column Header tooltip based on description
4. SQL View - Sorting - Rename columns - Drill down filters
5. OLAP Report - MDX > JSON > XML > Execute will run JSON (or XML) if exists - Filter: Show both Calculated Members Folder and Date Calculations
6. ROLAP - New Option: Filter Page Size
7. SSRS Server Folder - Ability to set connection for all reports in the folder (and sub-folders). For example, a SSRS folder can be copied and all of the reports pointed to a test database.
8. Admin > Settings > Report Tree > Hide Report Tree for User or Role - Will Show "Hide Tree" option for Admin > Roles and Users
> Login > Allow only IP range - Will show "Allowed IP" filed for Admin > User. User IP range will be restricted like '192.168.%'
> SSIS package - Ability to specify DTExec.exe path for 32bit and 64bit
> Subscriptions > - Report can only be emailed to the same user roles (as the non-admin user creating the subscription)
9. Admin > User > Ability to approve newly created user
10. Admin > Synch Users - Ability to Export Users Groups and User-Group grid to Excel
11. HTML Editor > Add Embedded File > Show image HTML before adding it to the HTML Editor
12. Report Tree - Copy Folder (and subfolders) - Export/Import folder (and subfolders) - Search by Report Usage
Bug fixes :
1. SQL Report - Paging cannot use SQL Server Top N when "with" clause is used
2. OLAP Report - Hidden Filter and Field List in view mode
3. Data Entry - Upload Bugs: StatusCode = 418 (I am a teacup) - Links: ability to work with encrypted report id
4. Dependency Tree - Encrypted File IDs
5. OLAP, SQL and ROLAP report - Google Map Chart Upgrade (Version 2 is no longer supported by Google)
6. Dashboard - Slicer Header is missing in the view mode
7. ROLAP Report - Filter: All Member is missing |