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 ReportPortal 5.0, Build 196, July 17, 2017
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1637 Posts

Posted - 07/17/2017 :  15:11:06  Show Profile

1. OLAP Report
- Export to Excel Pivot table
- Export to ODF (Office Data File)
- Add Calculated Member > KPI Wizard > Progress Bar (
- Named-Set filter: "All" member will be collapsed until expanded
- Page number is dropdown if list is less than 1000

2. Data Entry
- JavaScript tab:
-- Allows to advanced validation and depended input.
-- Selecting / changing of an item can update other elements on the page
-- Data can be retrieved form the database using SQL
- New options:
-- Show grid only (hide left tree)
-- Selected record will no longer have the "Add" unless "Allow Copy" is checked
- New Field level Options
-- Disable Insert - disables editing of the field during record adding
- Grid view: new features:
-- Toolbar with new buttons: Add, Update, Import, Export, Search.
-- Report name and description
- Design mode: Better visual toggle between: Columns, Panels, Many, Child forms, Calculated and JavaScript
- Page number is dropdown if list is less than 1000

3. SQL Report
- New Filter Option: Checkbox dropdown with search box
- New option: Display HTML as text
- SQL Builder: Ability to see tables related via foreign key constraint
- Apply number formatting of the currently selected culture

4. ROLAP Report
- New options: Show Row empty items, Show Column empty items and Show Filter empty items
- SQL Builder: Ability to see tables related via foreign key constraint

5. SSRS Server report
- Support for Power BI reports
- Ability to schedule reports
- Ability to add and remove SSRS folder in the design mode

6. Scheduler > File and FTP Deliver type:
- Ability to specify Folder Path and URL at the Subscription level
- There is no longer the need to have a recipient
- Admin > Settings > Subscriptions > New File Name patterns: Subscription, Subscription.DD.MM.YY and Subscription.DD.MM.YY.M
- Admin > Settings > Subscriptions > File > Folder Path > Variables (:UserName, ::UserId, ::Year, ::MonthNumber, ::MonthNumberZero, ::MonthName, ::ShortMonthName, ::Day, ::DayZero). New folder will be created if it does not exist.
- Ability to schedule SSRS Server report

7. Admin
- Email Template > new ":Subscription " tag
- Localize > Warning not to translate :: tags
- Settings > Report Tree - new option "Hide folders with no reports in the view mode at the root level"
- Settings > OLAP > Paging > Use "select count(*)" to get the page count
- Users > Email password to be available only when "Forgot Password" feature is enabled

7. Dashboard - New Option: Tab switch rate

8. Save Dialog: Ability to resize the report tree

9. Blog > Show tooltip with users that will receive the notification

10. Moving Bubble Chart > Play button enhancement

11. Tree Map: New option: Font Size

12. Login page: glyph icon user and password

13. Report Tree Search: Date created: today, this Week, this Month, this Year, is, before and after

14. SynchUsers.vbs - can be scheduled (cscript c:\temp\SynchUsers.vbs) by SQL Server Agent to Windows Task manager to synchronize windows groups with application Roles and Users

Bug fixes :

1. OLAP Report
- Chart: Data points with no data show up as zero even though "Show Null As Zero" option is unchecked
- Chart: Tooltip does not show the data points for multiseries charts
- Calculated member dialog: List of Functions is empty
- Excel Export bug

2. ROLAP Report: Chart position is left or right

3. Link Report: Edge browser bug

4. SQL/ROLAP Reports > ODBC > System.Double bug

5. Subscription > file extension is missing when "File" deliver type is used
- Admin > Settings > Subscriptions > File Name Pattern still uses GUID
- OLAP > Number formatting for Locales where when decimal separator is not ","

6. DB Admin >
- Table Export > Oracle: Date bug, semicolon delimiter, Default member
- Table Schema export : NOT NULL is missing
- Oracle FK constraints bug
- Azure compatibility bugs
- ORA Tree map bug

7. Admin > Connections > Cache Bug

8. Forgot password - empty password bug

9. Report Tree; Parent folder is not expanded
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