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 ReportPortal 5.0, Build 195, Jan 19, 2017
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1637 Posts

Posted - 01/19/2017 :  03:55:59  Show Profile

1. OLAP Report
- Improved performance paging and scrolling for very large datasets
- New Application settings
- Auto Page if row count exceeds (automatic paging to reduce the size of the downloaded data)
- Initially display first rows (the data that exceeds this limit will be rendered only after user scrolls to the bottom of the page)
- Server Execute is now the default mode
- MDX > XML is changed to JSON
- Chart Dialog: Options > Value color and Other > Slider position
- Google Maps: Name Column can be used for geo-mapping an address. Latitude and Longitude columns can be omitted

2. Admin - new Settings:
- Password:
- Forbid most common passwords
- Password cannot contain the username
- Password must contain at least one number
- Password must contain at least one uppercase character
- Password must contain at least one non-alphanumeric character
- Site
- Google API Key
- Show iframe dialogs - Ability to resize iframe dialogs
- Excel - CSV:
- Field separator
- Always use double quotes around fields
- Report Tree - option to Hide Search box
- SQL: "When exporting, replace underscore with space"
- Login - Alert message on login
- Subscriptions - Content Type: CSV

3. Admin > User
- Password validation
- Email password button

4. Bar Tree / Pie Tree reports
- Ability to apply filters to existing slices
- Multi-Select filters (checkboxes are added)

5. OLAP Report / SQL Report / ROLAP Report
- Geo Chart - Slider position to Top, Bottom, Left and Right

6. Moving Bubble Chart
- Options: Label every N-th step

7. SQL Report, ROLAP and Data Entry
- Tables and now sorted alphabetically

8. SSRS Server report
- Support for User Filter Value
- List of available parameters values
- HTML5, WORD, PPTX and ATOM format support

9. SSRS File report
- Ability to use: ::UserId, ::UserName, ::NtUserId and ::Email in RDL file (default values field).

10. Data Entry
- Connect > Show views
- Connect > improved performance when there are more than 1000 tables
- Options > Heights of input elements

11. Forgot Password: Password validation

12. Report Tree Search - ability to search by folder name

Bug fixes :

1. OLAP Report
- Drillthough missing column
- Drillthough selection dialog - remove duplicate
- Filter paging

2. Admin > Settings
- Email > Password - could not be updated
- Version > 64 bit > Problem identifying 64-bit Environment (Environment.Is64BitProcess)

3. Scheduler - Dashboard
- Ability to export multiple Charts
- HTML reports are not zipped but merged into single HTML file

4. Dashboard - Moving tabs problem

5. Chart Grid - Cannot select Color and Rows Levels from the same dimension hierarchy

6. ROLAP Report- Filter paging

7. SQL Report - Multi-select filter problem

8. Problem sending an email when report name is over 30 characters and has non-Latin characters
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