1. OLAP Report: dragging dimension icon to filter should be disabled 2. Dashboard: Option to hide report name and description does not work
1. OLAP Report: Top-N feature enhancements 2. OLAP Report: Ability to see measure, hierarchy and level description in the field list on mouse over 3. Admin - Report Types: Ability to change the item order of the design menu 4. Live Update: Update msolap virtual directory and ignore missing optional files
5. Data Entry form a) Localization b) New Link field type c) New Ranking field type d) New Combo Suggests field type e) Support for ::userId and other :: variables s Default Value f) Ability to add/remove a column to/from an existing form g) Option to update the default value for a hidden field h) Sort button for the record tree i) New option to add records without the record tree j) The update button will update the record tree. k) Grid with no data shows "No Data" message. l) Grid with Boolean column shows checkbox