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 Issues with PieChart Tree (svg.js) - IE only

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
roquesalde Posted - 06/06/2013 : 07:57:56

We have updated RP to build 182, not sure if this issue is related with the new build but Pie Chart Tree and Bar Chart Tree is not working on IE. (Chrome and Firefox works fine)
The error is the following:

El objeto no acepta esta propiedad o métodoLínea: 1 Carácter: 78Código: 0URI: http://biserver/reportportal/PieTree/svg.js

Can you please let me know if I need to install or configure something? I tried with IE8, IE9 and IE10, same issue on both.

Thank you very much.

30   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
admin Posted - 08/13/2013 : 20:18:30
The problem was resolved. Hot fix:
1. Download and unzip:
2. Backup old files to an external folder and copy the unzipped files to: "C:\inetpub\wwwroot\ReportPortal\bin\ReportPortal.dll"
3. Clear browse r cache (control-shift-delete)
fercasas Posted - 08/09/2013 : 11:57:06

The virtual directory is called Reportes and it pointing to C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Reportes

admin Posted - 08/09/2013 : 11:23:35
Can you please open IIS console and see where ReportPortal virtual directory is pointing to?
fercasas Posted - 08/09/2013 : 04:32:27

In the installation was created the folder C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Reportes, I see in the IIS console that the virtual directory is pointing to this route.

admin Posted - 08/08/2013 : 21:31:03
Folder C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Reportes\bin may not be the location used by ReportPortal virtual directory. Please open IIS console and see where ReportPortal virtual directory is pointing to.
fercasas Posted - 08/08/2013 : 20:47:38

The received files are in the folder specified as follows:


I've cleared the cache and still not working.

I performed the test on Chrome, Mozilla and Safari and works perfectly but in IE (any version) does not work.

admin Posted - 08/08/2013 : 18:49:01
Please make sure you placed the files in the right location. If you used live update the current location would be C:\inetpub\wwwroot\ReportPortal_183. Open IIS console and see where ReportPortal virtual directory is pointing to.
fercasas Posted - 08/08/2013 : 17:46:49

I did what you mentioned and still does not work.

admin Posted - 08/08/2013 : 13:16:22
In IE, press control-shift-delete and uncheck “Preserve Favorite Website Data” option.
fercasas Posted - 08/08/2013 : 09:21:46

I Performed the upgrade replacing the hot fix files and deleting the cache but still not working.

fercasas Posted - 08/07/2013 : 07:34:32

Perfect, I have done the test of the reports and now work correctly.

I sent a email to to receive the hot fix.

Thank you so much.
admin Posted - 08/06/2013 : 19:46:33
Please delete IE cache and try again.
fercasas Posted - 08/06/2013 : 13:16:25

I went to and I tried to view the Pie Chart p110756 but does not work.

admin Posted - 08/05/2013 : 14:44:24
Thank you very much. Please go to to confirm that the problem is fixed. If everything works fine, please email to get the hot fix.
fercasas Posted - 08/05/2013 : 13:55:38

This is the result of URL:

IsIE() = True
UseSvg() = True
IsNumeric(Request.Browser.Version) = True
CInt(Request.Browser.Version) = 9
Request.Browser.Browser = >IE<

Browser Capabilities:

Type = IE9
Name = IE
Version = 9.0
Major Version = 9
Minor Version = 0
Platform = WinNT
Is Beta = False
Is Crawler = False
Is AOL = False
Is Win16 = False
Is Win32 = True
Supports Frames = True
Supports Tables = True
Supports Cookies = True
Supports VB Script = True
Supports Java Applets = True
Supports ActiveX Controls = True
CDF = False

admin Posted - 08/05/2013 : 13:52:42
Thanks. Can you please do this again?
fercasas Posted - 08/05/2013 : 11:59:42

This is the result of the URL:

UseSvg() = True

Browser Capabilities:

Type = IE9
Name = IE
Version = 9.0
Major Version = 9
Minor Version = 0
Platform = WinNT
Is Beta = False
Is Crawler = False
Is AOL = False
Is Win16 = False
Is Win32 = True
Supports Frames = True
Supports Tables = True
Supports Cookies = True
Supports VB Script = True
Supports Java Applets = True
Supports ActiveX Controls = True
CDF = False

admin Posted - 08/02/2013 : 13:50:09
Thanks. Can you please do this again?

Also, if you see that UseSvg() = False please try:
fercasas Posted - 08/02/2013 : 12:01:55

This is the new result of URL:

UseSvg() = True

Browser Capabilities:

Type = IE9
Name = IE
Version = 9.0
Major Version = 9
Minor Version = 0
Platform = WinNT
Is Beta = False
Is Crawler = False
Is AOL = False
Is Win16 = False
Is Win32 = True
Supports Frames = True
Supports Tables = True
Supports Cookies = True
Supports VB Script = True
Supports Java Applets = True
Supports ActiveX Controls = True
CDF = False

admin Posted - 08/02/2013 : 11:32:58
Thank you. Can you please do this again?
fercasas Posted - 08/02/2013 : 10:20:55

This is te result of the URL:

Browser Capabilities:

Type = IE9
Name = IE
Version = 9.0
Major Version = 9
Minor Version = 0
Platform = WinNT
Is Beta = False
Is Crawler = False
Is AOL = False
Is Win16 = False
Is Win32 = True
Supports Frames = True
Supports Tables = True
Supports Cookies = True
Supports VB Script = True
Supports Java Applets = True
Supports ActiveX Controls = True
CDF = False

I want to mention that I have performed the test in different computers with IE and none works.

admin Posted - 08/01/2013 : 20:06:17
Somehow your IE tells ReportPortal that is not IE. Can you please point your IE 9 to this URL and paste the results in your reply?
fercasas Posted - 08/01/2013 : 13:16:38

I have IE 9 but I took the test in IE 10 and the error is the same.

Is important to mention that the version 3.0 of Report Portal worked fine and the problem was presented to perform the upgrade to version 4.0.

admin Posted - 07/26/2013 : 22:11:59
Thanks. Which version of IE do you have? Please go to Help > Internet Explorer.
fercasas Posted - 07/26/2013 : 15:47:15

Here I answer your questions:

- Do you see this problem in IE 10 compatibility view?
Yes I do the same problem in IE 10 compatibility view
- Also can you please see if you can reproduce the problem on the demo server?
In demo server I can´t create a pie chart tree report

admin Posted - 07/26/2013 : 15:31:47
Can you please answer the above questions?
fercasas Posted - 07/26/2013 : 14:34:56

I enabled debugging in IE and generates the following error:

Line: 1
Error: Object does not support property or method 'createElementNS'

Thanks for your help.
admin Posted - 07/26/2013 : 13:13:02
Do you see this problem in IE 10 compatibility view?

Also can you please see if you can reproduce the problem on the demo server?
fercasas Posted - 07/26/2013 : 13:03:46

I deleted temporary internet files and still does not work in Chrome works properly.

Thanks for your help.
admin Posted - 07/26/2013 : 12:55:48
Please remove “Temporary Internet Files” in the Internet Explorer. Uncheck the “Preserve Favorite Website Data” option.

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