ReportPortal 6, Build 206, Aug 17, 2021 Enhancements:
Dashboard - Grid Layout - Layout Toolbar button - Options: Export inactive tabs to Excel
Scheduler - Data Driven subscriptions - Dashboard: Option to merge files
ROLAP Report - Connect to SQL Report - New date functions: Year-Month (1999-12), Month (01-12), Month Number Name (01 Jan - 12 Dec), Day (01-31), Week Number (01-53), Day Of Year (001-365) - Data Table - Options: Freeze left columns - Drop Attribute to measures - Table with no measure selected - Sample Cube (Nwind) - Field List -- Checkboxes -- Ability to change names -- Ability to change Function (Date and Measure) -- Ability to change measure Format
OLAP Report - Currency Symbol Exporting - Conditional formatting & Server formatting - ODC Export: XMLA Properties - Table search
Data Entry - Connect > Create table and import data into it - Grid View > Save > triggers - Option > Sort Direction - now affects grid and tree - Work Flow Option - Upload: TXT (fixed width) - When option is checked: Position and length for each field - Upload: XML - ability to upload XSL file for the XML file to be processed before upload - When text length is greater than the column size: Show error | Trim - Trigger: Before and after Upload - Import Alias (Comma separated list of column headers that will be imported into the column if they are present in the source file) - Tree View: Work Flow - Status Icon
SQL Report - Options > Columns > Sum - Filter > Filter Type = Checkbox > No Value - Filter: Default Value formula lookup List - Design as ROLAP report
Custom Visual Report - Design: Other JS: -- Tabs for selected Excel -- RunSql function
Admin - Login > Custom authentication - Excel 2007 + -- OLAP Report: Conditional Formatting and Comments -- SQL Report: color and number formatting and currency from text data types -- Show Excel Table (vs. Freeze Columns)
User Filter Value - Right click on a report to setup filters
Bug fixes :
OLAP Report - Default value for new records - Chart Prefix - Drill though action - Comment: top left corner image needs no-repeat
Data Entry - Grid View > Hide When > Roles (Bug)
Freeform Dashboard report: Cannot save when "Hide folders with no reports in the view mode at the root level" is checked
Security - Remember me on this computer - Cookie high jacking
SSRS Server: Config upgraded to .Net 4.0
SSRS File: