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81 Posts

Posted - 07/11/2019 :  05:12:53  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

snapshots have been rearranged a bit on latest ReportPortal release; for the better I think, it does clarify everything on how they work and what you can do with them.

There is however one issue I have with this: now you can create snapshots for "Data", "Structure", or "Data and Structure". Perfect, I want my snapshots to be created with the last option thus I set that as the default option on the admin settings. When done from the report directly, it works great; but when setup from subscriptions, it seems to still be "Data" only and there is no option I can see where this could be changed?

Could you please tell me if there is any way I can make so that snapshots created from subscriptions are generated with "Data and Structure" elements? Thanks.

François Dranguet
Information Manager
Scott Bader Group


1638 Posts

Posted - 07/12/2019 :  04:38:02  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Structure means report properties like: MDX/SQL, chart properties, sorting. For example, in OLAP report you can expand a member and select a chart and save the new data and the new MDX.

Subscriptions save only data because they do not modify the structure.
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81 Posts

Posted - 07/15/2019 :  07:41:25  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

thanks for this explanation. However, in my case when I save "Data and Structure", the snapshot is opening way faster than when I save "Data" only. Thus the reason for this question: the idea is to setup a subscription with a snapshot having "Data and Structure", to make the snapshot very fast to open. I know it is possible then to distribute by excel or other means when setting up the subscription, but in the particular case I am discussing here it is a specific requirement to have those subscriptions not sending directly any data to users, but simply to become accessible as snapshots in our ReportPortal instance.

Is there anything we could do to address this? Thanks.

François Dranguet
Information Manager
Scott Bader Group
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1638 Posts

Posted - 07/16/2019 :  01:44:26  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
The "Data and Structure" snapshot should not be any faster that "Date" snapshot...

Would you mind providing more information about this including screenshots and timing to
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