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 Build 189, March 26, 2015
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Posted - 03/30/2015 :  22:03:45  Show Profile
1. OLAP Report

- Chart Dialog now gives the ability to specify the height and width percent.
- Chart: gradient color is replaced with solid color
- Options> Dimension Tab: new options: Hide Search, Hide Multi-Select and Chart
- In the expand mode, members will not collapse when a new dimensions are added/ deleted to rows or when a filter value is changed.
- Excel 2007+ Exporting: alternate row formatting and hyperlink support

- Google Map (These features are also implemented for SQL and ROLAP reports):

* New “Colored Pins” display mode. The mode provides that ability to change the size, icon and color of the pin based on data or a custom value.

* “Info Column” field can link each pin to an information box (text or HTML).

* “Shape column” can create shapes based on a field that has a comma delimited list of latitudes and longitudes.

* New “Charts” display mode. Chart type field lets you select Pie chart, Line chart, Bar chart or Horizontal Bar chart. Label column field provides the name for each data slice (bar). Value column field provides the number for each data slice (bar).

* New “URL Column” field provides the ability to link a Pin to a URL action. This feature is available for Red Pins and Colored Pins Display modes.

2. SQL Server: Excel 2007+ Exporting: alternate row formatting and hyperlink support

3. Dashboard:
- New “Auto Resize” option will resize the dashboard to 100% of the page (in the view mode).
- New sub-report option "Ignore Filters" will make the sub-report ignore dashboard filter

4. SSRS File
- Support for SQL-based default value
- Support for multiple choice parameter

5. Other
- Report Tree : Connection view now includes SQL reports
- Admin: Edit Report Schema: ability to view KPI report
- The ability to add custom items under the design menu by updating ReportType table
- Dashboard/Wiki/Blog HTML editor: ability to select Favorite (star) folder
- Scheduler: improved debugging (INSERT INTO AppSettings (Param, ParamValue) VALUES ('DebugScheduler','True'))

Bug fixes :

1. OLAP Report
- Problem exporting conditional formatting to Excel 97-2003
- Problem exporting to Excel 2007+ when server Locale is non-US. Sometimes numbers are exported as text.
- Filter Rows was not fully localized
- Line Chart does not expand to the next level when clicked and when dimensions are placed on columns only
- Google Map: bug rounding of longitude and latitude values
- Problem with frozen header when scrolling
- Toolbar (z-order) blocks design menu
- Filter width and height is too small
- PDF exporting: header is not repeated on all pages
- Problem with selection of date calculation in multi-select mode

2. SQL Report
- Error Expending SQL View
- Space between map and table when chart is left of the table (SQL and ROLAP Report)
- When CSV file can have double quotes even though quotes are not needed
- Problem with SQL Filter width
- SQL Server paging bug. The current page was set to number 3. This hides records for any report that have more than 3 pages.

3. Dashboard:
- Problem with adding a report in Chrome
- HTML Editor > Insert folder iframe: Selected report does not show up in the right panel
- PDF exporting: chart missing

4. Scheduler
- Problem related to the new notifications feature (Invalid cast from string)
- Problems with converting numbers from the scientific notation in a non-US locale like: 9.983242660055551E-1

- Bug with replying to comments for restricted users
- Localization problem

6. ROLAP report: Problem with a Filter using a date function

7. Other
- Admin > Settings > Security > Test: Error: System.IndexOutOfRangeException: UserName
- Problem removing browser cache from the previous build
- Design->Manage Reports: Moving reports generates error: A potentially dangerous Request.Form value was detected from the client
- Problem related to the new notifications feature when user session is expired
- Report Tree: Image for snapshot is missing (
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