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 Build 186, April 14, 2014
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Posted - 04/15/2014 :  22:32:24  Show Profile

1. OLAP Report
- Ability to right click on a cell to create an Alert
- Filter in design mode now has a small button to open the options for the dimension
- Filter in multi-select mode that are also selected on rows or columns, now have a small button to sort selected members
- Excel 2007+ exporting will merge duplicate groupings
- Report level option to export filters
- Go-back button for actions
- New ExpandedRow class gives the ability specify style for the expanded row (via Admin > Themes > OLAP > .ExpandedRow TD).

2. SQL Report
- Sorting order is now saved
- Ability to sort when SQL has the GROUP BY clause
- Multi-select filter (Checkbox list and Checkbox dropdown) now supports the "Not Selected Label"
- More efficient way of loading a result sets with a large (1m+) number of records

- Filter Textbox Search type is saved
- Chart Options: Chart background image

4. Google Maps for OLAP, SQL and ROLAP reports
- 4 display modes: Regions, Bubbles, Red Pins and Heat map
- Ability to specify Latitude Column, Longitude column and Name column.

5. Data Entry
- Can be sorted even when there is SQL has Group BY clause
- Email option is unchecked by default

6. Dashboard
- ROLAP Filters

7. Chart Grid
- Go back and forward buttons

8. KPI Report
- Ability to click on a report cell to get row and column numbers

9. Dashboard, Pie Chart Tree, Bar Chart Tree, Tree Map, Bubble Chart and SSAS KPI
- Filters will have the options previously only available to the OLAP report: Date Calculations, Range, Date Picker, Date Picker Range and Date Calculations
- Filter box color change and multi select default and Disable Multi-Select Switching (via Admin > Themes > Common > ..FilterTableSelected)

10. Admin > Email Template
- new variables: ::Yesterday, ::PreviousBusDay and ::AlertCondition

11. Admin > Settings
- Excel: Display multi-filter values on separate rows
- Security: Security View Restricted to Assigned Roles

12. Admin > User Filter Value
- SQL Report: Shared filter value and Support for multiple values
- ROLAP Report: Dimension and Hierarchy.
- User and Role ROLAP filter lookup

13. Subscriptions
- Ability to create a condition based on multiple cells
- Schedule End hour and minute
- Ability to Schedule a ROLAP Report
- SQL Report Commend timeout at the application level

14. Admin Menu is split into two columns

Bug fixes:

- Problem exporting reports to Excel when "Localize Excel exporting" is selected
- Paging bug when Nonempty option is selected
- XMLA properties (Roles) problem for scheduled reports
- IE 11 Compatibility View bug
- Filter Range has no effect when the hierarchy is in rows or in columns
- Problems exporting to Excel when chart is removed
- Analyze in new window error
- Calculated Member action does not work when the filter has multiple values selected
- When paging is set, the scheduled report returns only the first page
- Named-Set with a non ascii characters cannot be saved
- If you are at the bottom of the Field List, you can drag the measure up but the blue line never moves from the bottom so you can’t change its position
- In IE 8, when user connects to the cube the header is trimmed on the right side
- In IE 10 and lower might get trimmed

2. SQL Report
- Multi-Select filters bug
- Chart Dialog > Background image bug
- When Multi-result is checked only the first table is exported to Excel 2007+
- Multi-Select filter with Selected-Available search box, error when searching
- In design mode, filter cannot open the Date Formula List

3. Dashboard
- In HTML filters dialog, an "style" JS error while opening a filter
- When HTML is used user gets an invalid column 'HTML' error
- Refresh rate option still flickers in Firefox
- problem exporting SQL report chart to PDF in Dashboard

4. Subscription
- Error for one recipient can affect subsequent recipients
- Subscription may not take the parameter formula for SQL report
- Problems with snapshot delivery when file type is zip or tiff

5. Data Entry
- Top record in the form is not correctly displayed
- Textbox mask does not work some newer browsers (that support event.key)

6. Chart Grid
- Legend color cannot be changed

7. SQL View Report
- Error when selecting 'Count Distinct' from drop down list

8. SSAS KPI Report
- Add Filter > Error

9. Pie Chart Tree
- Problem loading the report when Pie width is not set to default

10. SSRS Server Report
- Design > Build returns: 'sReportConnection' is not declared error

11. Report Tree
- Problem with Search with non ascii characters
- In IE, problem with opening Hyperlink reports when they are clicked twice

12. Admin -> DB Admin
In chrome, XMLA -> Session > does not display anything in right pane
13. Admin > Settings > OLAP Report > Minimum filter width (pixels) works only for the OLAP report and no other OLAP reports
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