1. Production server with everything in steh same server. 2. Test/Training server in separeate instance.
On the second server, It has separate database and separate frontend form the rpoduction.
I have checked the login screen of production and it dowes not say how many days to expire, so I think it is properly licenced version. We have "Passthrough authetication to AD" enabled so nomally we do not see this login screen.
All teh sudden, the test server ( whcih was installed as evaluation at fioest and earler than production) sais it has been expierd the evaluation period. Running the application setup and "check update" says it is up to date.
Can we do this kind of setup under current licence?
Our licence is through the software bundle arrangement. I better check with them for the story. Thanks for pointed out two differrent type of licence I will check with them.