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 Report Portal Installation

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Bhanu Posted - 06/01/2011 : 04:19:19
hi all
What are the basic steps in installing Report Portal?
Do we need to create ReportPortal Database or it creates automatically.
8   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
admin Posted - 04/02/2014 : 14:46:09
The problem had to do SQL Server is in mixed authentication mode.

SQL Management Studio - Server Properties - Security - [Server Authentication section] you check Sql Server and Windows authentication mode
stralen Posted - 04/02/2014 : 05:36:06
admin,,i was made user login for sql server auth (security - login - new login - sql server auth), but when i relogin the user login that i have made not working.

before, i hve worked with server (local) and used windows authentication for login. i tried to used that for sqlserver information when instal RP but not working
admin Posted - 04/02/2014 : 05:18:51
Make sure that SQL Server is in mixed authentication mode. Create an SQL Server user and test it by connecting to SQL Server Management Studio with that user.
stralen Posted - 04/02/2014 : 02:56:35
hay,,i want to ask, what must i do when installing report portal 4.0 and the installing said "could not connect the to database. please correct the information and try again". i just follow the video installation on download page..thanks
Bhanu Posted - 06/09/2011 : 05:19:42
thx marco
marco Posted - 06/01/2011 : 14:43:26

You can do this in 2 ways:

1. Physic: just detach in SQL Server the reportportal database, copy the databse to your own server and attach the databse

2. On one of the 2 server just point in ReportPortal the physic database to the sql server where you have it attached.

Bhanu Posted - 06/01/2011 : 06:33:40
Thx Marco, I have succefully installed Report Portal.

One more question, we have Reprots on ReportPortal at our client site, but we want there whole solution at our own site so that we can check those reports.
So please suggest me the steps to bring backup and deploy backup at our own site.

marco Posted - 06/01/2011 : 05:50:31

It is straight forward.

You need:
Windows PC or Server with IIS installed and a PC or server with SQL Server or SQL Server Express installed.

Just start the install program nd follow the steps in the wizard and that is all there is.

If you would like to use OLAP you also need SQL Server Analyses Services or icCube installed and use the server name during the install setup.

If there are any question, please let me know.


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