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 Graph not correct for report

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Sailesh Posted - 04/17/2019 : 01:54:36
I have a report which has Stacked Horizontal Bar Chart. I subscribe to this report to receive output in Excel. The cell data is correct but the graph data is incorrect. I cannot set this up on your server as your server is not set up for me to receive mail.

Scott Bader
10   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Sailesh Posted - 02/24/2020 : 09:01:02
There are still couple of issues; at least on a barchart,
the order of bars are reverted in subscription compared to direct access to report in ReportPortal web page, and all labels are not
displaying (it seems the parameter "Label every N-th step" is simply ignored, as well as the graph size parameters, and the subscription does display a fixed size graph and will set the number of labels to something that fits within this fixed size).
Could you please see if this can be fixed.
Thank you.

Scott Bader
Sailesh Posted - 05/21/2019 : 08:08:57

thanks for this hotfix - it is a lot better, the graph is now showing correct figures. However, you still have a couple of issues; at least on a bar chart, the order of bars are reverted in subscription compared to direct access to report in ReportPortal web page, and all labels are not displaying (it seems the parameter "Label every N-th step" is simply ignored, as well as the graph size parameters, and the subscription does display a fixed size graph and will set the number of labels to something that fits within this fixed size). Could you please see what could be done for that? Thanks.

Scott Bader

Scott Bader
admin Posted - 05/16/2019 : 23:24:32
Please try this fix:

1. Download and unzip:
2. Stop Rp Sheduler Service.
3. Backup: "C:\inetpub\wwwroot\ReportPortal\bin\RpScheduler.exe"
4. Start Rp Sheduler Service.
Sailesh Posted - 05/09/2019 : 09:09:07
see below link to report
placing the measures on columns still gives incorrect graph data.

Scott Bader
admin Posted - 05/07/2019 : 11:45:14
Not yet. Can you please confirm if placing the measures on columns (Options > Measures On Columns) provides a workaround to this problem?
Sailesh Posted - 05/06/2019 : 03:08:29
Hi any update.

Scott Bader
Sailesh Posted - 04/25/2019 : 01:41:50
here is the link to the report

Scott Bader
admin Posted - 04/23/2019 : 22:19:21
Do you have to place measures on rows to see this bug?
Sailesh Posted - 04/23/2019 : 04:46:13
Hi I have a report in My Reports call 'Scott Bader Issue CSV export'. If you view the report online you will see a chart and report. If you subscribe to this report you will see that the emailed result is not the same as on line result. The Chart is not the same.

Scott Bader
admin Posted - 04/18/2019 : 05:49:16
Please try the demo server now. The email is setup to be delivered into a local folder accessible via My Reports > Emails.

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