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 SQL Report Export to xlsx - Text Formatted General

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lfessler Posted - 04/09/2018 : 15:05:39
ReportPortal 5.0, Build 198

This was not an issue until installing build 198. It may have been introduced in one of the preceding builds since I just upgraded from 194 directly to 198.

I create an OLAP report with one of the dimensions being 'Item' with Key and Name as 'Item Code' which is an NVARCHAR in the database and shows as WCHAR in SSIS cube designer. This field is mostly, but not all, numbers. Many of them contain leading zeroes such as '00112'. When this report is exported to Excel, the field is formatted as General and the leading zeroes are dropped leaving me with '112'. Can this field be exported as Text?

7   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
admin Posted - 04/11/2018 : 21:57:12
The Chrome bug should be fixed after you clear the cache.

I takes about 70 seconds to export the excel file with the chart and 40 secs without the chart.
lfessler Posted - 04/11/2018 : 10:25:04
Thank you, but I understand that error was previously fixed. However, you asked me to recreate the report/error on build 194 of your demo server. I tried to do that, but when I went to download the report from demo 194, I ran into the error I posted above.

admin Posted - 04/11/2018 : 09:57:46
lfessler Posted - 04/11/2018 : 07:57:20
I put a report together, but I was unable to download. Chrome gave an error (see below) and IE just didn't generate a download file. I saved my report into the admin My Report folder under 'Leading Zeros Download to Excel Test'.

Chrome error:
Print/Excel var sExcelExt = "xlsz"; var bExportExcelImage = (""=="True"); var bLocalize = false; var bDataOnly = false; var bExcelFilterSplit = false; var sError = ""; var sPage = "OLAP"; var sSessionID = "ndxxhtvzovkisssao5f4bef3"; var sAppUrl = ""; var sDecimalSeparator = "."; var sThousandsSeparator = ","; var oLabels = []; oLabels[1060]="No root node found:"; oLabels[454]="There is no data to export"; oLabels[857]="To export the chart image to Excel please:\n open the generated file in Excel, cut the chart image and paste it special as Picture."; Loading...
admin Posted - 04/10/2018 : 21:57:28
Customer - Demographic - Commute Distance - 0-1 Miles
Product - Large Photo - Financial - Standard Cost and List Price
lfessler Posted - 04/10/2018 : 11:57:39
I'm not very familiar with the AdventureWorks SSAS cube. Is there a dimension member that has numbers with leading zeros, but is defined as a string type? I looked through, but didn't immediately see any.
admin Posted - 04/09/2018 : 22:08:21
Here is build 194 on the demo server. Can you please see if you can reproduce this problem?

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