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OLAP Report


  • Import Excel or Text file to a Filter via the Search button [1]
  • Make Filter like OWC Filter. Parent member to get highlighted if I select any child member.
  • Date Calulations: Ability to modify the number of trailing days
  • Filter to have Exclude option [2]
  • Filter Display Modes: (Should multi-select be just another mode?)
    • Page Mode: play, stop, next, prev, dropdown buttons.
    • Time-line slider mode
    • Panel Mode: have the height of the pulldown menu in the Dimension Filter in the Page Area be as high as the first level items so there is no need for scrolling down or changing the height with the mouse. [3]
    • Measure number range mode: similar to Rows Filter but with a slider interface.
  • When you select multiple elements add checkbox to show the rest as a row (similar to Top)


  • VISUALTOTALS functionality. Similarly Hierarchize has been included in the report options, you should be able to select VisualTotals [4]. Use main.js function FormatMembers()
  • Ability to rename measures on rows
  • Copy Grid


  • Option to create pie Chart for each column
  • Add Google Maps with display of record data based on name or longitude [5] [6] [7]
  • Add Bing Maps [8]
  • Add Pareto chart: Bar an line chart combinations where line is cumulative [9]
  • Add Trend Line to the scale Bubble chart based on a number or AVG
  • baseFontSize='0-72' attribute
  • Change the OLAP Report Chart “Save As Image” functionality add the legend when it is located to the left or right (vmware)
  • Rename measure - bubble chart y & x axis
  • Ability to Change Legend Item Text (Main.js - oChangedColors, LegendItem.aspx)
  • Add a threashhold beyond which no rows will be displayed, add 'Rest' option. by default all rows will be displayed
  • G raphaeljs
  • highcharts
  • thermometer chart
  • interactive chart based on time


  • Geo Maps in HTML and Flash [10];
  • Ability to control the type of chart to use after a polygon is clicked.
  • Ability to change from Heat Map mode to:
    • Add a Line, Pie or Bar Chart in the center of each polygon. Each column will be represented as a slice or a bar. The chart should popup when clicked.
    • Bubble in the center of each polygon. Size will depend of the first measure (columns) and the color will depend on the second measure.
  • Add the new Map of The Netherlands with a right scale.
  • Open layers [11]


  • change the number formatting from scientific notation to regular notation.
  • Custom context menus (for Drillthough): [12] (westat)

MDX Builder

  • Organize calculated members and named sets into folders (alexian)
  • Drill down to another report Wizard: will let user select another report (OLAP based report) and dimensions to be passed.

Named Sets

  • Imported Lists

Field List

  • Support multiple display folders for a single measure [13]
  • Support "Sub" display folders for other than KPI
  • Show Filter Groups like Adventure Works as in Tableau Software
  • Ability to dock to right


  • Add other Charts: Pie, Bar, Horizontal Bar, Area (Legend will be visible on click)
  • Icon Chart [14]
  • Win\Loss Graphs [15]


  • Ability to expand and multi-select measures Asymmetrically
  • Page/margin selection dialog before printing
  • Freeze row header when scrolling horizontally
  • Ability to show MDX, Named-Set toolbar button in the view mode
  • PDF export options to be saved and used with subscriptions
  • PDF export - Negative bars
  • Undo & Redo for the expand mode
  • Right click on OLAP Report > Hyperlink - Show filters as in Subscription Filters
  • SSAS Rowset Action [16]
  • New Drill Down Mode (For each dimension)
  • New Expand Options: Drill Member / Drill Position (Don't Reset)
  • Adjust Conditional formatting on the percentage (for example from 30% to 60%) using a slider control next to the Filters
  • Performance: dynamically load save function when save dialog is clicked
  • Ability to disable Analyze cell context menu item
  • Report option to enable "HTML output escaping"
  • Allow saving of private cell comments. Currently, everyone can see all comments.

Tree Map Report

  • Add calculated measures from the OLAP shared library

Pie-Chart Report

  • Option to export my pie chart to PDF, word or excel (telware)
  • Group Hierarchy dropdown by dimensions

Blog Report

  • Ratings per blog entry

OWC Report

Crystal Report

Data Mining Report

  • Data Mining Model Creation Wizard [19]
  • Profit and Lift Charts
  • DMX Query Report
  • Singleton Prediction Page
  • Expanded Pie Chart [20]

ROLAP Report

  • Show data in rows / columns based on order field not only in filter
  • Show report with fact records eliminated by the inner join to the dimensional table. Show value and count.
  • Show the table as you have in MOLAP report with small lines for the cells.
  • Create new Cube tab called: "Exceptions" that would show the count and distinct count of fact records that do not have corresponding dimensional records. Rows: Fact Dimension Keys. Columns: Count and Distinct Count. It should be possible to drill down to see the list of distinct values and the list of fact records.
  • Theme support
  • Design mode: resise measures, rows, filters and columns
  •  % generator – 30 hours, Top n restrictions – 30 hours, SQL formula calculator – 40 hours
  • Cell Exception highlighting (painting) – 40 hours
  • KPI inside the cube cells – 40 hours
  • Add UNION mode [21]
  • Add Expand Mode [22]
  • Ability add computed metric at the "top level" like: sum(p.total - p.internal_total_cost) / sum(nullif(p.total, 0)) as gross_margin
  • Filter Type: Date Range
  • All member for columns and filters

SQL Report

  • Add Gantt Chart as Chart Type for SQL Reports [23]
  • Add number of records in the View button so you see the number of records will lower when you choice from page filters
  • Option to Show the list full 100% width of screen
  • Multi-Select filter
  • KPI with case when x < 0.3 then 'img src=../images/kpi/KpiSadBubble.gif
  • PDF export to also export a chart
  • Dynamic Report Description based on SQL results of a single row cell query
  • Theme support
  • Make sure that Date Picker filter is using the following ANSI formatting: Convert(DATETIME,'::2',102)
  • In memory: Sorting, Grouping for large non-paging data set
  • Excel Export Multi-Retult to mulple tabs
  • Application level setting for "Run on load" option (the same for Crystal report) (credo2u)
  • SQL/MDX in report description

SQL Template based Report

  • Max, Min, Year-Month for date
  • Drill Down / Expand to details when Use Group By is used

Reporting Services Report

  • Reports in the left box be dockable
  • Add on the list support for SQL Server 2008 R2 Reporting Services (like gauges and charts, etc) in ReportPortal so you can use other modules
  • Button to create SSRS connections based on RP Connections
  • Upload RDL file
  • When the SQL Server is behind firewall, use "SSRS ReportViewer Web Server Control" [24]

KPI Report

  • Export the KPI graphic to Excel
  • Filters
  • Change "column, row number" for multiple KPIs
  • Ability to Rank importance of each KPI and order them by importance
  • Bullet Charts - [25] and [26]

Analysis Services KPI

  • Time calculations as in OLAP Report Time dimension
  • Expand / Collapse the groups
  • Cache discover schema to improve performance
  • Add Filter Dialog: add an icon to show if it is a dimension attribute or dimension hierarchy
  • KPI hierarchy 1 [27]
  • KPI hierarchy 2 [28]

Dashboard Report

  • Support for ROLAP/SQL Reports in Dashboard Report
  • Option for the width to be Percentage based or Pixel based
  • Option to link a sub report to another report. Option to choose target report. When clicking on a expand icon or a chart item pass parameters to the target report. (Edit > Actions dialog > Add Filter Action > Pick Source and Taget)
  • Pre-select filters based on newly added report
  • Option to open sub report in the same window. Filters and tabs will remain. Next and Previous buttons will appear on the toolbar.
  • Option to have a summary tab that would list all of the reports and filters used in the dashboard.
  • Add a Button to add a ReportingServices URL with parameters is there is in Dashboard to be transfered to show the ReportingServices report based on the Page Filters in Dashboard. Support for both SQL and MDX filters.
  • Add a feature to drag and drop tabs to have another sort / order
  • Excel Chart exporting
  • Add multiple reports at once
  • Chart/Grid toggle
  • New Report Option next to "Refresh Rate": Refresh tabs sequentially (like: 1,2,3,1,2,...)

DataEntry Report

  • Add "Next" and "Previous" buttons to the top of the left data navigational tree
  • Custom Validation for textbox (Email, URL, Number Range)
  • Custom Validation for textbox (Currency = numbers only)
  • Radio Button - manual list has Value and Text. Add image for an optional icon next to the Text.
  • Import data into the grid
  • Validation of minimum and maximum value for numeric and date fields
  • Type=File to be available for text fields. The text field will store file name. Attributes for this type will be Folder path and "Folder Indexed" checkbox indicating if the user can search the contents inside of the folder. When file is uploaded it will go to the folder and update the field with the file name.
  • Option to put the label inside of the textbox, it will be removed when the textbox is clicked or filled
  • Search
    • Extend to columns of parent and child forms
    • Allow multi-column search (and only)
    • New Search Mode: Top 100 used values
  • Add a new checkbox under Columns panel called "Grid Filter". This will let you filter the grid by one or more filters.

RP Subscription Services

  • Support for other Report Types: Crystal Reports, Reporting Services, KPI, KPI 2005, ROLAP, Dashboard, SQL template based report
  • Add Schedule to support for example: Every week on mon till Fri from 08:00 till 17:30 every 1 hour (like in Windows 2003 Scheduler)
  • Add in above popup a button like below to show the content of the report so you can choice more easy the row and column
  • Create automatic folders based on the snapshot creation date (like Jan-2008, Feb-2008,…) when number of snapshots exceeds a threshold (10)
  • Check for Memory leaks (Trin)
  • Windows only Auth

Style Sheet

  • Add the style as used in login.aspx for the inputbox (now hardcoded blue)
  • Add the style as used in the portal for the lettertype
  • .FilterTable also changed for the full Page Filter in OLAP Report

Report Tree

  • Optimize it is to have the My Reports for each user to be loaded on demand instead of all in once
  • When Manual sorting is on, allow for drag-and-drop to move reports and folders around
  • Add most used reports to top of Report Tree
  • Show search results in the right window (vmware)
  • Connection View to include other report types

DB Admin

  • Cannot drop database because it is currently in use - Kill sessions
  • Session > Kill: use Master DB
  • Edit Data
  • Add Comuted Columns: ALTER TABLE ReportNote ADD CommentName As convert(varchar(20), Comment)
  • Compare Databases (tables, users, premissions, views, SPs and functions)
  • Export Table Schema
  • Create DB Admin report type
    • Cannot edit schema in design and view modes
    • Can select columns (XMLA Discover)
    • Can select toolbar buttons (Table View)


  • User Admin: Always expand folders option [29]
  • User Admin: The height of the userlist in the tree should be variable or as long as the height on screen
  • Option to have user registration form so new users can register with a default role (with captcha)
  • Admin > Settings
    • Site Settings > After having edited a given report, prompt user to confirm exit or save report.
    • Report name > Show Folder Path
    • OLAP (or SQL, ROLAP) Report > Exporting > Header = Always Export, Don't Export, Ask during exporting (credo2u)
    • Ratigns: ability to clear ratings per roport and/or all reports
    • Report Tree > Folder visibility in the view mode (dropdown): 1-Show all folders, 2-Show folders with reports only, 3-Show allowed folders only
  • User Filter Value tab under role and user admin: Hide Add button
  • Role-Connection updating feature to support multiple roles. In that case, the user will need to select connection, server, database or a cube before viewing a report. (Accretive)
  • Admin > Selected Report Types > Ability to add new report type groups and move report type groups up and down
  • Admin > Localize > Import and Export into XML Files
  • Admin > Connection


  • When saving a report add the ability to add footer
  • Date Calculations and Date Picker in non-OLAP reports
  • MS Windows Sharepoint Services ver 3 Integration via Web Parts
  • The Auditor to have the opportunity to set his comment to a read only flag or rewritable
  • Sparklines as chart type in the table for ROLAP, KPI, KPI2005 Reports [31]
  • Approver should get an email alert when a report is ready for approval
  • Use this library for creating Excel file [32]
  • application option that would prevent “Publishers” from seeing Security menu item (decisivebi)
  • Report name should be saved with for example english reportname, dutch reportname and france reportname and if an user is logged in for example with dutch that the reportname is shown in dutch, etc.
  • HTML Injection: Server.HtmlEncode
  • Tie Private reports to the original report. An admin option will determine if all of the private reports will be deleted when the original report is deleted or has its security changed.
  • Ability to restrict GetSecurityToken to a report
  • Encrypt/Decrypt - support for unicode
  • Windows Authentication for nested groups (fatal communication error: [33])
  • Export to Excel 2007+ (File to you trying to open ‘file.xsl’, is in a different format than specified by the file extension. Please verify that the file is not corrupted and is from a trusted source before opening the file. Do you want to open the file now?)

Live Update

  • Live Update in production even if the server don't have internet connection (security).
  • Live Update scheduled so the software is always up to date with any new build / patches.
  • Copy web.config

Setup Program

  • XMLA Setup for non-default site
  • Activate / Deative License Utility
  • Should delete live updates
  • Register the installed build into a table
  • File Access Permissions for ReportPortal folder
  • If the database already exists present the following options:
    • Update Themes
    • Update Colors
    • Update Languages

New Report Types

  • Search based on Microsoft Index Server [34] [35] [36]
  • Organizational Chart [37] [38]
  • Power Pivot report
  • Forum (based on common/Comments.aspx)

New Data Visualization Reports

  • Baseline Quadrant Analysis [39]
  • Horizontal Bar Chart tree
  • Geo Chart Tree
  • Tree and Chart report. Chart changes based on selected tree node. Top-N + Rest feature should be supported.
  • Chernoff Face [40]
  • KPIs with Weekly/Monthly/Yearly Calendar
  • Strategy Map - a way to organize and setup relationships between KPIs [41] [42] [43]
  • Expaning size bubbles [44] [45]
  • Other [46] [47] [48]
  • Force-Directed Graph [49]
  • Nested Pie Charts[50]

Look and Feel

Compatibility with