Using Charts

Click the "Chart" toolbar icon and select the chart type you would like to view. Once selected, the chart will be saved and available when the report is opened.

If the drill down or expand mode is selected, the chart becomes interactive. When a chart element (bar, slice or a line-chart node) is clicked, the report will be expanded or filtered by the clicked element.

If you hold the mouse longer over the chart element the tool tip with numeric value and description will be shown.

HTML Charts

HTML chart does not require any external components to be installed in the client browser. For this chart type, when the mouse cursor moves over the chart the legend will scroll to the selected member and the cell in the result table will be highlighted.

Bar Chart

Pie Chart

Line Chart

Stacked Bar Chart

Scattered Chart

Horizontal Bar Chart

Bubble Chart

Geo Map Options:

Geo Map Type: Equal Bands

This type is based on equally divided ranges. In this example we have ten colors for positive values and ten colors for negative values.

Geo Map Type: Percent of Max

This type is based on percent of a maximum value.

Geo Map Type: Percent

This type is based on percent of a total.

Geo Map Type: Value

This type is based on an absolute value.

Geo Map Type: Name

This type is based on the measure text. In this example, Good_Bad calculated measure was created with the following MDX expression:

IIF([Measures].[Sales Amount]>100000000,'Good','Bad')

Flash Charts

Flash charts need Macromedia Flash 8 or higher to be installed on the client PC. If flash is not installed, the application will help the user install it.

Bar Chart 2D

Bar Chart 3D

Pie Chart 2D

Pie Chart 3D

Doughnut Chart 2D

Doughnut Chart 3D

Line Chart

Stacked Bar Chart 2D

Stacked Bar Chart 3D

Horizontal Bar Chart 2D

Stacked Horizontal Bar Chart 2D

Area Chart

Stacked Area Chart

Bar/Line Chart 3D

Bar/Line Chart 3D (Dual Axis)

Area/Bar/Line Chart 2D

Area/Bar/Line Chart 2D (Dual Axis)

Stacked Bar/Line Chart 3D (Dual Axis)

Scatter Chart

Bubble Chart

Radar Chart


You can hide a data row or change its color. Right click on a legend item to bring up the dialog to make these changes.