Columns panel

Columns panel form provides the ability to specify how each column is displayed and used. After a column is selected on the left side, you can specify its properties on the right side. Note that the positioning of the control on the page is done in the Layout mode.

The following types of columns are supported:

The following attributes are supported:

The following binary (on/off) options are also available:

The columns are initially set to their default types based on their data types.

Textbox Chunking

Some text column, such as phone number, can be broken into many text boxes. The delimiter specifies how that the data is separated. For example, if the delimiter is "-" then a phone number will be stored into the database as 123-456-7890. "Save with delimiter" option lets the data to be stored in 123-456-7890 format as opposed to 1234567890 format.

List Type

List, Combo, DB Lookup and Radio Buttons support the following type of lists:

Check Box

Check Box is useful for "Yes" or "No" type of column.