Is there a way to enter SQL Expressions into a subscription filter value? I have a number of Crystal Reports that use 'Start Date' and 'End Date' filter. When I set up the filters for the report I can set a default value using the 'Expression' checkbox and then using SQL, e.g. GetDate().
Is it possible to do this in the subscription window as well so that I can set a custom date range (such as 7 days ago through today) into the subscription parameters?
No, this feature does not currently exist. It can be implemented in a future release by adding "Expression" checkbox in the Subscriptions dialog under Filters tab.
Until then the workaround would be to update the JobFilter.FilterValue field manually or using an SQL Server job. Here is SQL that explains the table relationship in ReportPortal database:
select r.ReportName, j.JobName, f.FilterName, jf.FilterValue from Report r join QueryFilter f on f.QueryId = r.ReportId join Job j on j.ReportId = r.ReportId join JobFilter jf on jf.JobId = j.JobId and jf.OrderId = f.OrderId