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 TempFolder and Subscription clash
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New Zealand
7 Posts

Posted - 11/05/2012 :  19:13:36  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

One of my clients recently updated ReportPortal to build 180 so I got the chance to reset the Temp folder from C:\Windows\Temp\Reportportal to something else. I changed it to a non-system drive.
Since then the old subscriptions work but still use the C:\Windows\Temp\Reportportal folder instead of the new one (even JobHistory.FilePath can support that).

Additionally if I create a new schedule and a new subscription to use that schedule I don't receive anything in mail and the history is empty (even in the underlying SQL database).

It would be crucial to change it because for some reason ReportPortal would like to generate a 25GB PDF file and that is not healthy in itself. It might be just temp usage and the final size is acceptable but it has always failed with insufficient disk space.

The result of the MDX query in SSMS contains 227 rows and 4 columns.

I'm out of ideas why it is happening. If you could give me a lead that would be great!




1638 Posts

Posted - 11/05/2012 :  21:33:22  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Please try this Temp Folder Scheduler fix:

1) Download and unzip:
2) Stop RP Scheduler Service
3) Backup old file and copy the unzipped file to: "C:\inetpub\wwwroot\ReportPortal\bin\RpScheduler.exe"
4) Start RP Scheduler Service

Re: I don't receive anything in mail and the history is empty

Please check the Windows Event log under ReportPortal for any errors.
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New Zealand
7 Posts

Posted - 11/06/2012 :  18:56:14  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Thank you, that worked!

I still cannot find a reason for the huge filesize for a 227row long report. Maybe it will look better in Excel format.

I'll continue trying, and thanks for the quick response regarding the temp folder!

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