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28 Posts

Posted - 08/25/2009 :  20:17:27  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Is there a way to hide the "Connect to Cube" link and only show Open Report when working with OLAP Reports setting a default cube that the users must use. I know you can assign roles to users giving them a default connection with a default cube but the user still has to select "Connect to Cube". Once selected, it shows the cube that is recommended by the role but the user can still see the other available cubes. I want to assign a role to only be able to work with a specific cube and hide the Connect to Cube link. Thanks.


1638 Posts

Posted - 08/26/2009 :  19:41:24  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
There is a way to implement this using SSAS security. Please try this:

1. In SSAS, create roles so that each role will have access to only one cube.
2. Create windows user for each SSAS role. Create local user if SSAS is located on web server and domain user if SSAS is located on another server.
3. In Report Portal, create Role for each windows user. Go to Admin > Roles and set windows User Name and password for each Role.
4. Assign ReportPortal users to each role.
5. Go to Admin > Settings > OLAP Report > XML for Analysis Security Enabled = checked.
6. Enable Basic authentication for XMLA virtual directory.

Here are few SSAS security tutorials:
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28 Posts

Posted - 08/27/2009 :  09:42:33  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Thanks. I will try it.
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