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7 Posts |
Posted - 05/16/2013 : 04:25:23
Hello, We are evaluating ReportPortal ans a small problem we are encountering is that in a OlapReport the formating that is specified in the cubes seems to be ignored. Is there a way to enter a formatting in The Olap Report itself. Not just condifional formatting, more number formating ?
Kind Regards, Harry |
588 Posts |
Posted - 05/16/2013 : 10:51:21
You can have in Admin > Settings The culture settings of a user
You can have in Admin > Settings > OLAP The server formating on/off
Regards, Marco
7 Posts |
Posted - 05/17/2013 : 03:44:19
Ok, this works for normal measures, but obviously calcuted members with formatting are ignored .. Or is this another setting ? |
1637 Posts |
Posted - 05/17/2013 : 04:10:33
Is the calculated member defined in the application or on the server?
Can you please provide an example of expected and the actual formatting?
Have you tried changing the Language of the XMLA connection (via Admin > Connections)? |
7 Posts |
Posted - 05/17/2013 : 06:55:20
This is my definition in the cube
CREATE MEMBER CURRENTCUBE.[Measures].[Free Tickets Rate] AS IIF([Measures].[Free Tickets]=0,NULL,[Measures].[Free Tickets]/[Measures].[Tickets Sold]), FORMAT_STRING = "#.##0,00%;-#.##0,00%", NON_EMPTY_BEHAVIOR = { [Tickets Sold] }, VISIBLE = 1 , ASSOCIATED_MEASURE_GROUP = 'Ticket Sales' ;
But when i place the member in a OLAP Report i'm getting
3.89140% |
1637 Posts |
Posted - 05/17/2013 : 22:51:58
So the problem is that a period (instead of a comma) is used as decimal separator. Please try this:
CREATE MEMBER CURRENTCUBE.[Measures].[Free Tickets Rate] AS IIF([Measures].[Free Tickets]=0,NULL,[Measures].[Free Tickets]/[Measures].[Tickets Sold]), FORMAT_STRING = "#.##0,00%;-#.##0,00%", NON_EMPTY_BEHAVIOR = { [Tickets Sold] }, Language = 1036, VISIBLE = 1 , ASSOCIATED_MEASURE_GROUP = 'Ticket Sales' ;
Alternatively, you can set Language for all measures by using this statement after “Calculate ;”
Language(this) = 1036;
588 Posts |
7 Posts |
Posted - 05/28/2013 : 03:39:38
Ok, got this working, but .. (Yes i'm sorry) when using a scope on a measure it looses his formating.
This wat a technique i'm using described by Chriss Webb, workign superb, but not using the forat set by the BIDS
SCOPE([Measures].[Dummy]); SCOPE([ATP PriceClass].[PriceClass].MEMBERS); SCOPE([ATP SalesPoint].[SalesPoint].MEMBERS); THIS = ([Measures].[ATP PP]-[Measures].[ATP_PP_All])*([Measures].[Act Tickets Pct vs All]-[Measures].[PP Tickets Pct vs All]); END SCOPE; END SCOPE; END SCOPE; |
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