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 xml for analisis server

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johany Posted - 10/25/2017 : 14:18:17
I can`t config the xmla URL.

How can I create a cube, and host it in xmla? I do not understand

please help me!

11   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
admin Posted - 10/30/2017 : 10:19:32
Please contact for a quote.
johany Posted - 10/30/2017 : 08:18:37
Hi, Can you please help me with the ReportPortal price?

also where can I buy it?

marco Posted - 10/27/2017 : 08:33:40
If you have only a sql datasource than you can use rolap reports in reportal. First make a rolap cube in reportportal than you can connect to it and make amazing interactive reports.

johany Posted - 10/27/2017 : 08:07:46
I can't to create a server SSAS because I'm working with SQL Express 2008.

In addition to the SQL reports or ROLAP report, I wanted to use the OLAP reports with SQL Express.

Can I do it any other way?

Thanks for your help.
marco Posted - 10/27/2017 : 07:39:05

Do you have your SSAS Multi Dim or SSAS Tabular server working ?

If so you can connect with XMLA (as mentioned earlier)

If not you can use SQL Report or ROLAP Reports in ReportPortal to make amazing analysis and reports.

johany Posted - 10/27/2017 : 07:30:02

I want to create a Bar Chart Tree Report but I can't connecting to any database origin or cube.

What can I do?

Thanks for your help.
admin Posted - 10/26/2017 : 15:55:58
SQL server Express does not support SSAS
johany Posted - 10/26/2017 : 13:19:36
[i]Originally posted by admin[/i]
[br]ReportPortal does not build SSAS cubes for you.

For a sample SSAS cube, download backup file Open "SQL Server 2005 Management Studio. Right click on "Databases" and choose "Restore..."

ReportPortal can build ROLAP cubes (via Admin > ROLAP). You can then use the ROLAP cube via Design > ROLAP.

please, I need to connect using xmla service but I can`t, I use ReportPortal 5 and SQL server express 2008.

admin Posted - 10/26/2017 : 10:16:02
ReportPortal does not build SSAS cubes for you.

For a sample SSAS cube, download backup file Open "SQL Server 2005 Management Studio. Right click on "Databases" and choose "Restore..."

ReportPortal can build ROLAP cubes (via Admin > ROLAP). You can then use the ROLAP cube via Design > ROLAP.
johany Posted - 10/26/2017 : 08:38:06

Thanks for your answer.

I already tried what you tell me but I can not connect, I'm working with ReportPortal 5 and SQL Express 2008, is there any other way to connect and create the olap cubes?

Thanks for your help
admin Posted - 10/25/2017 : 21:45:45
XMLA lets you connect to an SSAS (SQL Server Analysis Services) cube. It is Microsoft's way to access SSAS via HTTP.You can setup XMLA in one of three ways:

1. During the MSI installation

2. After installation by going to All Applications> ReportPortal > Setup ("C:\inetpub\wwwroot\ReportPortal\bin\XmlaSetup.exe")

3. Manually After the manual XMLA setup, go to Admin > Connections and create “XMLA URL” type of connection with URL pointing to XMLA/msmdpump.dll

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