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 Delete subscriptions massively for certain user

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
roquesalde Posted - 01/21/2022 : 08:57:53
Hi Admin!

Currently in our instance we have a couple of users with dozens of subscriptions and those users are no longer part of the company so we want to remove all of the subscriptions related to the specific user, but we donĀ“t want to delete the user.

Exists any method to remove all subscriptions for specific user? Maybe using some script...

Thanks in advance.
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
roquesalde Posted - 01/21/2022 : 09:57:07
Thank you!
admin Posted - 01/21/2022 : 09:35:41
delete ju
from JobUser ju
join AppUser u on u.UserId = ju.UserId
where u.UserName = 'UserName1'

select j.JobName, u.UserName
from Job j
join JobUser ju on ju.JobId = j.JobId
join AppUser u on u.UserId = ju.UserId
where u.UserName = 'UserName1'

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