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 Filters depend on one another

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
roquesalde Posted - 12/20/2017 : 13:38:13
Hi all,

This feature works great but for some dimension attributes does not and I donīt know why, Do I need to set something in the attribute in SSAS? Actually in the exact same dimension some attributes gets correctly filtered but others attributes does not.

Attributes relationships appear to be right, but not sure what can be happening.

Reallly appreciate any light on this.

Many thanks,
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
roquesalde Posted - 01/12/2018 : 05:54:17

Sorry for my delay.
I could fix the problem with a workaround. Basically I had to create a new attribute in the dimension, same attribute but other name of course, and make the relationship between the KEY attribute and this new one, and I hide the original attribute (the original was part of a hierarchy also, so the relationship was made to another attribute and not to the KEY).
Not sure if the hierarchy was the problem but this workaround works perfect.

admin Posted - 12/20/2017 : 21:39:39
Can you please see if you can reproduce this on the demo server?

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