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Posted - 08/10/2017 : 04:15:49 Hi,
I have an OLAP report that has one dimension in the rows and a second dimension in the columns. Additionally, the second dimension is in the filters and some values are selected from it. When I break the results into 100 rows per page there is just a fraction of the actual result displayed.
I took a closer look at the MDX code and suspect that there is a logical error in it. When you activate the page breaks the functions tail, head and filter are added to the code for the rows. Kind of like this:
Select non empty Crossjoin(HIERARCHIZE(DISTINCT({{ [Dimension2].&[Member1], [Dimension2].&[Member2], [Dimension2].&[Member3]}})),{ [Measures].[Measure1]}) on columns, non empty Tail(Head(Filter(HIERARCHIZE(DISTINCT({{ [Dimension1].Members}})), (Not IsEmpty([Measures].[Measure1]))),100),100) on rows From [Cube]
Before activating the page breaks the code looked like this:
Select non empty Crossjoin(HIERARCHIZE(DISTINCT({{ [Dimension2].&[Member1], [Dimension2].&[Member2], [Dimension2].&[Member3]}})),{ [Measures].[Measure1]}) on columns, non empty HIERARCHIZE(DISTINCT({{ [Dimension1].Members}})) on rows From [Cube]
I guess the filter function should just return the row members that actually have a value for the Measure1. Unfortunately, it doesn't take the selected column members into consideration. Instead, it seems to return all row members that have a value for Measure1 in the cube, then break the result into 100 members per page with the head and tail functions and finally the "non empty" at the start erases all row members that have no Measure1 value for the selected column members. In the end, there are less than 100 row members per page and not all valid results are displayed.
When I deactivate the page breaks again everything works as intended.
I hope you can follow my thoughts. Is there a solution to that?
2 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First)
Posted - 08/15/2017 : 03:36:31 Thanks, it solved the problem!
Posted - 08/10/2017 : 10:06:35 Which build do you have?
This feature can be turned of by going to: Admin > Settings > OLAP Report > Fast paging