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 Email Template Variable for Subscription Name

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
lfessler Posted - 06/08/2017 : 09:21:50
Is there a way to insert the Subscription Name into an email template in the same way that you can enter ::ReportName and have it replaced at runtime? I have 10 subscriptions for the same report with different filters set for each sub and it would be great if the email that went out distinguished between the various subs.

In the same vein, is it possible to have the attachment name be the Subscription Name? I see some of the options under 'File Name Pattern' in the Subscriptions admin settings, but there is no option for Subscription Name.

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admin Posted - 06/08/2017 : 20:16:54
lfessler Posted - 06/08/2017 : 14:22:55
Do you mean that it is something that you would potentially add in a future release? Should I add it to the "Wish List" forum?
admin Posted - 06/08/2017 : 10:53:11
Yes, ::ReportName should get replaced in the email body and email subject with the acual report name.

::SubscriptionName tag is not available but can be added.

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