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 Drillthrough Missing Column (Same Name)

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
lfessler Posted - 12/09/2016 : 12:44:53
ReportPortal 5.0, Build 194, Sep 7, 2016
OLAP Report

My cube uses a date dimension multiple times tied to different items in the fact table, e.g. 'Due Date', 'Release Date', 'Close Date'. When using drillthrough and selecting multiple dates to view in the detail it only returns the last one.

For example, I drill through and select...
'Work Order.Work Order',
'Work Order.Status',
'Due Date.Date',
'Release Date.Date',
'Close Date.Date',
'Items.Item Code'.

What comes through on the report is...
'Work Order',
'Date', (I can see from the data that this is 'Close Date.Date')
'Item Code'.

5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
admin Posted - 12/22/2016 : 18:20:37
Please try this fix:
1. Download and unzip:
2. Backup old file and copy the unzipped file to: "C:\inetpub\wwwroot\ReportPortal\olap\Drillthrough.js"
3. Clear browser cache
lfessler Posted - 12/16/2016 : 07:17:31
SSMS returns all three dates. Just the drillthrough doesn't show them.
admin Posted - 12/15/2016 : 15:09:22
The MDX has all three dates. What happens when you run it in SQL Server Management Studio?

Caption([$Release Date].[Date]),
Caption([$Due Date].[Date]),
Caption([$Last TX Date].[Date]),

lfessler Posted - 12/15/2016 : 09:08:27
I was unable to recreate the issue on the demo server, but I saved the report as [Test Multiple Date Drillthrough Issue]. The drillthrough in the demo correctly showed the three date columns. I then took the MDX from the drillthrough in my local copy and ran it as an MDX query through SSMS and it correctly returned the three date columns. ReportPortal still only shows me a single 'Date' column. The MDX from my local drillthrough is below. Let me know if screenshots would help (and where to send them).


Drillthrough maxrows 10000 select {([Last TX Date].[Fisc YQMD].[Fisc Month].&[2016]&[12], [Items].[Product Line Desc - Item Desc].[All])} on columns From [Work Orders] RETURN Caption([$Work Order Info].[Work Order]), Caption([$Work Order Info].[Status]), Caption([$Release Date].[Date]), Caption([$Due Date].[Date]), Caption([$Last TX Date].[Date]), Caption([$Items].[Item Code]), [$Measures].[Qty FG], [$Measures].[Actual Total Cost]
admin Posted - 12/13/2016 : 03:01:48
Can you please see if you can reproduce this problem on the demo server?

If no, please provide the Drill-through MDX statement. To get the MDX, hold the control key and click anywhere on the page. The MDX will appear at the bottom of the Drill-through page.

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