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 Remove OLAP chart interactivity

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
WildCard Posted - 07/02/2015 : 05:51:49

is there a way to remove the interactivity from charts in OLAP reports, so that a user cannot click it to drill through, but instead is forced to use the filters above?

Or, alternatively, is it possible to connect multiple OLAP reports with charts in one dashboard to each other, so that if the user clicks into one chart to drill down, all OLAP reports are drilled down to the next hierarchy level? (As far as I know, this is currently only possible with a dashboard filter.)
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admin Posted - 07/02/2015 : 16:22:37
The interactively exists only when there are levels below that can be expanded. There is no interactivity at the lowest level or in the Expand All mode.

In the future release, the dashboard should provide the ability to specify the target(s) for each sub-report click actions for the chart and the table cell. The table cell selection should also support the shift and control key hold for multi-selecting.

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