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 dashboard bug with drill down

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WildCard Posted - 06/30/2015 : 08:04:40

I think I've found a bug in dashboards:

1. add an OLAP report to the dashboard which has a hierarchical row dimension and is configured for drill down mode
2. add a filter for that hierarchical dimension to the dashboard
3. select an element from the filter

You'll see that the report table doesn't drill down to the children of the element you've just selected in the filter, but just sorts out the other parent elements from your view.
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WildCard Posted - 09/24/2015 : 02:08:37
Thank you very much, it works now!
admin Posted - 09/17/2015 : 02:54:03
Original 191 file:

WildCard Posted - 09/17/2015 : 02:27:01
Please, can you also provide a standard main.js from Build 191 without the changes you applied to it concerning this problem? Unfortunately I forgot to create a backup while trying to test your solution and somehow managed to delete mine completely. :-(
admin Posted - 09/14/2015 : 02:49:04
Please try this fix:

1. Download and unzip:
2. Backup old file and copy the unzipped file to: "C:\inetpub\wwwroot\ReportPortal(_191)\olap\script\main.js"
3. Clear browser cache
WildCard Posted - 09/13/2015 : 23:37:22
When you for instance select "Drink" in the Product filter, shouldn't both tables and diagrams drill down to the underlying level so that you can see the figures for "Alcoholic Beverages", "Beverages" and "Dairy"? I always thought that should be the expected behavior.

I tested it with Firefox 40.0.3 and IE 11 and no matter what I select in the Product filter, the tables and diagrams always show the "All Products" level.
admin Posted - 09/11/2015 : 12:38:59
The dashboard you created seems to work fine. Which browser version do you use and what do you see that is not working?
WildCard Posted - 09/11/2015 : 07:53:44
I created a dashboard under My Reports / Wildcard - dashboard. Unfortunately the dashboard filters seem to not work at all or am I doing sth wrong?
admin Posted - 09/11/2015 : 01:17:28
Can you please try to reproduce this problem on the demo server?

Look for report: My Reports / WildCard - drill down
WildCard Posted - 09/10/2015 : 08:01:58
I've discovered that the fix doesn't seem to work for line diagrams unfortunately.
WildCard Posted - 07/02/2015 : 04:52:31
I am still testing, but the fix seems to work. Thx! :)
admin Posted - 06/30/2015 : 20:52:04
Please try this fix:

1) Download and unzip:
2) Backup old file and copy the unzipped file to: "C:\inetpub\wwwroot\ReportPortal(_189)\olap\script\main.js"
3) Clear browser cache

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