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 Heatmap on Google Maps not working properly

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cbergsma Posted - 07/24/2014 : 06:24:18

I've tried to use the heatmap graphic, and didn't work as i expected.
I have in my report Latitude Longitude and Country Name as attributes and i have some quantity and some money measures to give the diameter of circles and the colour in them.

The graphic only shows me circles at the given coordinates but all of the same size and colour.

Can you have any idea what's going on?

Thanks in Advance.

2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
cbergsma Posted - 08/07/2014 : 05:56:28
That is not what i'm looking for.
I found an alternative with the bubbles layer setting lat and long as lat and long and the column name the value i want to show (and no the name of the country).
In that way the bubbles show me the size and colour depending on the amount of things i want to show.
So in some way, the bubbles are working as the heatmap should work.

Thanks for the answer anyway.
admin Posted - 07/24/2014 : 13:18:46
Google heatmap does not let you change size and color of a point.

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