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T O P I C    R E V I E W
fercasas Posted - 07/22/2014 : 10:41:51

I have been trying to edit the name of a entity in a geo Map but after Save the report the change is missed, I have reproduced this problem on the demo server.

Thanks for your help.
9   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
admin Posted - 07/24/2014 : 22:24:54
If you change the entity name in IE can you see the change in Chrome?

Please try to delete the browser cache (shift-control-delete) right after you save the change. Make sure that “Preserver Favorites website data” is unchecked.
fercasas Posted - 07/24/2014 : 14:49:10

Yes I do but the change is not saved.

admin Posted - 07/24/2014 : 13:12:20
Did you press the Save button?
fercasas Posted - 07/24/2014 : 09:09:21

This is not possible, when I make the change, this is not saved.

admin Posted - 07/23/2014 : 20:09:46
Could you modify the entity name from name of "Niederosterreich-23" to "Niederosterreich" in IE 9?
fercasas Posted - 07/23/2014 : 09:50:25

The map doesn't save the changes that I do to the entity name; I made the same change using Chrome and it works fine.

admin Posted - 07/22/2014 : 20:49:57
Can you please explain in which way the map does not work? Can you not use the map after you modified the entity name?
fercasas Posted - 07/22/2014 : 14:21:09

I am using IE 9; I have reproduced the problem modifying the name of Niederosterreich-23 to Niederosterreich in the Austria map but not work.

Thanks for your help.
admin Posted - 07/22/2014 : 14:00:14
Which browser version do you have and steps needed to reproduce the problem?
Here are the steps that work:
1. Go to Admin > Geo Map
2. Select a map (Austria)
3. Select a shape (Niederosterreich)
4. Change name from (Niederosterreich to Niederosterreich-23)
5. Click Save and OK

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