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Posted - 07/08/2014 : 09:09:01 Hello,
after switching from RP 185 to RP 186, we are now facing some issues with subscriptions on SQL reports that were created against an IBM DB2 connection; they are failing with an error message that I am pasting at the end of this post.
I am not sure what is happening, I am wondering if this could be due to some change in the scheduler scripts that are trying for some reason to select a unique value from the DB in the form "select xxxx", which works fine in SQL Server but is failing in IBM DB2 (you need to have "select xxxx from sysibm.sysdummy1").
Many thanks for your help !
Regards, François -------------------------------------------------------------------- ERROR [42000] [IBM][System i Access ODBC Driver][DB2 for i5/OS]SQL0104 - Token was not valid. Valid tokens: + - AS . ERROR [01000] [IBM][System i Access ODBC Driver]Extended dynamic support disabled.; SQL: select 1015 at ReportPortal.DbManager.GetSingleSqlValue(String sSql, ConnectInfo oConnectInfo) at ReportPortal.SqlReportExport.?(Boolean bDefaultFormula, String sDefaultValue, DataTable& oTable) at ReportPortal.SqlReportExport.FilterQuery(String sQuery, Boolean bUserFilter, String sJobId) at ReportPortal.SqlReportExport.(String reportId, Boolean bUserFilter, Boolean bXml, String sJobId, String sTranspose) at ReportPortal.Scheduler.?(String sReportId, String sReportType, String sJobId, String sDeliveryType, String sContentType, String iLanguageId, String sToUserId, String sToUserName, String sToEmail, String sToNtUserId, String sToNtPassword, String sConditionOperator, String iConditionRow, String iConditionCol, String sConditionValue, String sMultiCondition, String& sMultiConditionOut, String& sStylePage, String& sReportHtml, String& sError, String& sMDX, String& sReportDesc, String& sFilterLabel, Boolean& bConditionMet, String& sStyleThemeId, String sReportName, String sTempPath, String& sFilePath, String sXmlaProperties)