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 Subscriptions with charts (PDF/Excel)

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dbooth Posted - 04/17/2014 : 01:58:07
RP version 186. A subscription of a report containing a chart and table only emails the table. Applying the fix in the Help / Administration / Schedules / Charting Support help text has no effect.

Dave Booth
10   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
dbooth Posted - 04/22/2014 : 02:32:58
That patch has fixed PDFs, thank you. They are now included in subscriptions where the Content Type is PDF. Where Excel or HTML is selected, the subscription sends an email header with no attachment, not a problem since PDF is functional.
admin Posted - 04/21/2014 : 23:44:52
Please try this hot fix:

1. Download and unzip:
2. Stop RP Scheduler service
3. Backup old file and copy the unzipped file to: C:\inetpub\wwwroot\ReportPortal(_186)\binRpScheduler.exe
4. Start RP Scheduler service
admin Posted - 04/17/2014 : 12:08:09
Can you please provide the full error description for “Empty path name is not legal”? What is the MDX?
dbooth Posted - 04/17/2014 : 05:23:42
Update, when the User attribute is made unique by filtering on the parent hierarchy, the subscription errors with message 'Empty path name is not legal.'.
dbooth Posted - 04/17/2014 : 05:13:29
Yes, 'acro' is a value of the User attribute in the MDX below and appears twice as it belongs to a Company hierarchy with 'acro' having two differing parent attributes :

Select non empty Crossjoin(NonEmptyCrossjoin({
Descendants([Sales Order Details].[Quotation Status].[All])}),{
[Measures].[Number of Orders]}) on columns,
non empty NonEmptyCrossjoin(
[Sales Order Details].[User].Members) on rows
From [Order Intake]
Where ([Sales Order Details].[Order Type].&[Quotation], [Ordering Division].[Divisions by Code].[All])
admin Posted - 04/17/2014 : 05:01:44
Does the source table have two rows with the same row header ‘acro’?
dbooth Posted - 04/17/2014 : 04:59:21

The server has .NET version 4.0.30319.

marco Posted - 04/17/2014 : 04:49:42
Is the error with .Net 2.x or 4.x ?

dbooth Posted - 04/17/2014 : 03:29:48
That's what was done. To test it, a report with just a table was subscribed and that worked; then a chart added, subscription failed with this error dump :

A chart element with the name 'acro' already exists in the 'SeriesCollection'.
at System.Web.UI.DataVisualization.Charting.ChartNamedElementCollection`1.InsertItem(Int32 index, T item)
at System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection`1.Add(T item)
at RpScheduler.RpChart.MakeMultiChart(Chart& oChart, XmlNodeList& oRows, Int32 iRow, XmlNamespaceManager& nsMgr, Hashtable& oCellArray, Int32 iColumnTuples, Boolean bCommaDecSeparator, XmlNodeList& oColumns, Hashtable& oMinLevelCols)
at RpScheduler.RpChart.MakeChart(XmlDocument& oDoc)
at RpScheduler.XmlaRequest.ExecuteMdx(String sMdx, String sServer, String sCatalog, String sURL, String sOptionXml, String sConditionalFormat)
at RpScheduler.XmlaRequest.GetReportHtml(String sReportId, String sUserId, String sJobId)
at RpScheduler.Scheduler.ProcessReport(String sReportId, String sReportType, String sJobId, String sDeliveryType, String sContentType, String iLanguageId, String sToUserId, String sToUserName, String sToEmail, String sToNtUserId, String sToNtPassword, String sConditionOperator, String iConditionRow, String iConditionCol, String sConditionValue, String sMultiCondition, String& sMultiConditionOut, String& sStylePage, String& sReportHtml, String& sError, String& sMDX, String& sReportDesc, String& sFilterLabel, Boolean& bConditionMet, String& sStyleThemeId, String sReportName, String sTempPath, String& sFilePath, String sXmlaProperties); XMLA:; NtUserId: FUSION-GROUP\dbooth
admin Posted - 04/17/2014 : 02:08:40
You have to install Report Portal 4.0 for .NET 4.0. .NET 2.0 does not have the charting component needed to include the chart.

Alternatively, you can follow these instructions:

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