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 Some users recieving No connection Error

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cfordham Posted - 03/13/2014 : 14:59:26
We have some users that are able to log into report portal, they can connect to the cube and get the measures and dimensions. When they go to add the first measure the get an error "No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it". I can not reproduce this in other users. I have two users that are set up the same and one will get it and the other will not.

We have SSL forced on this website. I have opened port 80 on IIS and the firewall just to test if this would resolve this error. It did not help.

If anyone has seen this or can help I would greatly appreciate it.

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cfordham Posted - 03/14/2014 : 13:42:17
I fixed this Thank you for your help. In doing all of these double checks I noticed that they had access only to the test connection. when I gave them access to the production connection also they were able to work.

Thanks again.
cfordham Posted - 03/14/2014 : 09:05:13
I have updated the user. I still get the error in report portal and a success in the xmla connection.
admin Posted - 03/14/2014 : 08:32:57
Please go to Admin > Users and try to update Windows user name and password of that user.
cfordham Posted - 03/14/2014 : 08:20:55
I entered the username and password of a user with the issue and I received a Success!. I then double checked that the user was still have the issue and it is.
admin Posted - 03/14/2014 : 08:09:09
Please go to Admin > Connection
Select the XMLA connection used by the report
Enter Windows’s User Name and password of the user that has the problem
Click Test

Do you see any error?
cfordham Posted - 03/14/2014 : 07:36:23
Thanks for looking at this.

I see no errors when I test the the XMLA connection it comes back with "Success!". We use basic authentication on the XMLA virtual directory.
admin Posted - 03/13/2014 : 20:39:29
Please go to Admin > Connection, select the XMLA connection used by the report and click Test. Do you see any error?

Which authentication method (Anonymous, Windows or Basic) do you have set on the XMLA virtual directory?

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