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 Select All Combo Box behaviour in ad-hoc report.

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
informaticagodoy Posted - 11/07/2013 : 07:02:05
We build an ad-hoc report with Report Portal (v.183).
For some dimensions we wanted to "Select All".
We save it. It run Ok.
Time later new data was added to these dimensions but "Select All" not selects the new data. Instead, we need to go to all ad-hoc reports to select the "new data".
Is there a better way to do this?.
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
admin Posted - 11/13/2013 : 04:17:31
Can you find any similar dimension on the demo server? If your SSAS database less than 1 GB you can send it to to be restored on the demo server.
informaticagodoy Posted - 11/12/2013 : 06:09:53
Yes I'm talking about an OLAP Report.

But how can I add new dimension data to reproduce my issue in demo server?.
Here is an example:

I have a Vendor dimension with some relevant data (name, surname, etc)
I've created an OLAP Report with Vendor dimension in filters among with other dims. I've saved my OLAP Report.

Later, let's say I add a NEW Vendor in my ERP ergo in Vendor dim.
If I go to my OLAP Report, I ONLY could see data from ALL Vendors but NOT the new one due to it is not selected like the others.
Instead, I have to "Select All" again and then save again the Report.

admin Posted - 11/07/2013 : 13:26:53
Are you talking about an OLAP report?

Can you please try to reproduce this problem on the demo server?

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