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 Error Parsing XML

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tres_ross Posted - 09/16/2013 : 20:12:43
When I try to connect to my cube by selecting Olap Report from the Design menu and click Connect to Cube, I get an error saying

Error Parsing XML: XML document must have a top level element.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
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admin Posted - 09/19/2013 : 19:38:52
During the installation of ReportPortal for .NET version 4.0 you are asked to pick the application pool from the list of existing pools.
tres_ross Posted - 09/19/2013 : 10:45:48
I solved the problem. The problem was that the Application Pool that the XMLA virtual directory was using had the option Enable 32-bit applications set to True. It is the default application pool. There is a XMLA application pool but it is set for .NET 2.0. I'm using the version of ReportPortal that is for .NET version 4.0. Does an installation of ReportPortal create it's own application pool or does it use the default application pool?
admin Posted - 09/18/2013 : 12:26:27
The SSAS OLE DB provider for 200 and 2008 will connect to SSAS 2012.

Is your "Enable 32-bit applications" set to "False" on the XMLA virtual directory app pool?

Is your "C:\inetpub\wwwroot\XMLA\msmdpump.ini" pointing to the right server?

Can you try to setup another XMLA virtual directory (XMLA2) manually?
tres_ross Posted - 09/18/2013 : 06:46:07
I have unchecked the friendly http error message option and still just see the 500 - Internal Server Error screen with little details. When I try msmdpump.dll on my server, the details I get are:

Detailed Error Information
Module IsapiModule
Notification ExecuteRequestHandler
Handler ISAPI-dll
Error Code 0x800700c1
Requested URL
Physical Path C:\inetpub\wwwroot\xmla\msmdpump.dll
Logon Method Anonymous
Logon User Anonymous

Also, when I try to run the xmlatest.udl file, the error I get is:
Multiple-step OLE DB operation generated errors. Check each OLE DB status value, if avalilable. No work was done.
Continue with test connection?

I saw another post on the forum at
that mentions to download a file due to issues with ISAPI on 64-bit machines. I have SQL Server 2012 Standard Edition on a 64-bit machine. The link at only shows 2005 and 2008 files. Do one of these work for 2012?

Any other ideas? thanks.
admin Posted - 09/17/2013 : 21:31:36
To make the 500 - Internal Server Error visible in IE go to: Internet Explorer > Tools.. > Internet Options > Advanced Tab > Uncheck "Show Friendly Error Messages".
tres_ross Posted - 09/17/2013 : 20:38:26
The windows user is set correctly and the test udl file does connect to the remote analysis services server, VM851. I do get an error by selecting Test on the analysis services test udl file. It says Test connection failed because of an error in setting he window handle property. When I select Yes to continue, it says that the test succeeded but with some errors. Also, browsing msmdpump.dll still gives me a 500 internal server error. Thanks for any insights you you may have on these issues.
admin Posted - 09/17/2013 : 13:13:36
Please check the Windows user name and password for the Anonymous user of XMLA virtual directory. Make sure it can connect to SSAS.
tres_ross Posted - 09/17/2013 : 07:21:53
The web address is not http:///. It's http://web_address/xmla/msmdpump.dll.
tres_ross Posted - 09/17/2013 : 07:18:02
The url is http:///xmla/msmdpump.dll. When I browse it, I get a 500 - Internal Server Error where there is a problem with the resource you are loading.

The authentication method is Anonymous on the XMLA directory.
admin Posted - 09/17/2013 : 07:02:39
So this is a problem related to the XMLA connection. What is the URL (xmla/msmdpump.dll)? What happens when you browse the URL in a browser?

Which authentication method (Windows, Basic or Anonymous) do you have set on XMLA virtual directory?
tres_ross Posted - 09/17/2013 : 06:29:03
It was empty. I tried to do what you said, but still get the error when I tried to create an Olap Report. I also got the same error when I tried to Test my XMLA Connection under Admin - Connections. I tested the connection using both by my NT username and password and also my SQL Server username and password. Which username and password am I supposed to use? I think my NT account. Either way, it still does not work.

Also, I did verify that I have a xmla.udl file, which I do. It also connects correctly to my SQL Server database.
admin Posted - 09/16/2013 : 21:45:25
Please make sure that the XMLA connection for the OLAP report has not been deleted.

select r.ReportName
from Report r
left join Connection c on c.ConnectionId = r.ConnectionId
where c.ConnectionId is null
and r.ReportType = 1

If the connection was deleted, in the report tree click on the report and select Connection. Select the connection information and click Update.

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