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T O P I C    R E V I E W
fercasas Posted - 08/15/2013 : 12:16:20

I have some SQL Reports with dates parameters, in ReportPortal I can view them but when I try to export to Excel, PDF, CSV or Html only shows me the header.
I have done the test with some reports without parameters and these if are exported successfully.

Can you help me please?

8   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
admin Posted - 08/28/2013 : 19:17:42
The hot fix resolved the problem.

1. Download and unzip:
2. Backup old file to an external folder and copy the unzipped file to: "C:\inetpub\wwwroot\ReportPortal\bin\ReportPortal.dll"
admin Posted - 08/22/2013 : 04:49:53
Please send the exported Excel file to
fercasas Posted - 08/22/2013 : 04:33:10

Again the file was exported only with the header and one filter don't have the date but it have the value zero (0).
Not displaying the description of the error in Excel.

admin Posted - 08/21/2013 : 21:03:45
Please try below hot fix. It should export the error description inside of the Excel (XLSX) file.
1. Download and unzip:
2. Backup old file to an external folder and copy the unzipped file to: "C:\inetpub\wwwroot\ReportPortal\bin\ReportPortal.dll"

Please post the full error message here.
fercasas Posted - 08/21/2013 : 08:55:23

I can't reproduce the the problem in demo server but if I set the filters to format British (dd/mm/yyyy) in my server the report is exported correctly; if I set the filters to USA (mm/dd/yyyy) when I export the report only appear the header.

It occur in all SQL Reports with date filters.

admin Posted - 08/20/2013 : 20:41:19
Why could not you save the SQL report? What error message did you get when trying to save it?

In any case, there is a new report My Reports > Usage by Date 2. It has your SQL and both date filters are set to use the British (dd/mm/yyyy) date format. Can you please see if you can reproduce the problem now?
fercasas Posted - 08/20/2013 : 14:06:23

I tried to modify the report to test but has not let me save the report in test server, the SQL code is as follows:

SELECT CONVERT(varchar, LogDate, 1) AS LogDate, COUNT(*) AS RecordCount
FROM UsageLog
where LogDate >= '::1' AND LogDate <= '::2'
GROUP BY CONVERT(varchar, LogDate, 1)

I identified that the problem is with the date format to export the report because if I set valid dates in the format dd/mm/yyyy and mm/ dd/yyyy I can exportal the report.

I want to mention that in the browser works well, the bug is only to export.

admin Posted - 08/16/2013 : 00:43:09
Can you please try to reproduce this problem on the demo server? There is a report with a date picker: My Reports > Usage by Date.

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