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Posted - 06/24/2013 : 05:15:10 Hi,
I've a question regarding the security/folder management. I'd like to achieve the following role or security scenario:
Root |-- Administrator |-- Publisher |-- Reader
#Root System administrator with all privileges.
#Administrator Can only manage the folder structure and assign read / write permissions to them but can't create reports based on data sources.
#Publisher Can create reports from data sources which he has access to and publish them into folders where he has write permissions. Access to the folders needs to assigned by the Administrator.
#Reader Can only read the reports from the folders where he as read permissions.
As I see the Root, Pubisher and Reader role can be achieved out of the box with the current version of Report Portal. I have only issues with the Administrator role which I can't set up in the way how I described it above. If I set up a user with the global role "writer" he has access to all menu entries from the "Design" menu. So he can set up folders but the funny thing is that he can't assign security permissions on folder level only on report/file level.
Can somebody tell me why it's not possible to the "writer" assign security permissions on folder level? And is there a possibility to set up the Admin role as required for my scenario?
Thank you so far!
1 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First)
Posted - 06/24/2013 : 22:27:33 The new build will have new application level setting accessible via: Admin > Settings > Security > Writer can manage folder security.